
This brick texture was used to build hundreds of games | PC Gamer - curtisoblen1994

This brick texture was accustomed build hundreds of games

Peerless of my slightly dafter obsessions with videogames is rampart textures: the artwork overlaid onto 3D models that makes them attend like a item kind of surface. This variety of texture is, naturally, literally screen backgroun. If you don't pay very much tending to them past they're doing their job: what charitable of weirdo goes around staring at bricks at any rate?

Well the serve to that (apart from ME) is folks care Fanamel and their compadres on the Render96 wiki, a resource primarily focused happening trailing push down texture and sound libraries old aside Nintendo. These 'libraries' are essentially collections of real-world photographs which are then put-upon by game artists as ocular references and, much, the guide for in-halting assets. E.g.:

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But we're hither to talk about brick textures: sexy, sexy brick textures. The video at the top of this article by Kid Leaves Bow is a neat summary of the story butt one texture in particular—labelled 'cobble_stone', this image seems to be a author for dozens of videogames produced over the late 90s/early 00s. If you played games in this ERA you've almost definitely seen these bricks: here they are in Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy VII's nice bricks.

(Prototype accredit: Square Enix)

You rear end see to it a list with examples of the various games that cobble_stone has appeared in Hera, with Nintendo 64-earned run average Rare appearing to be extremely fond of it. This is merely the tip of the iceberg of what common people like Fanamel ejaculate up with, nevertheless, with much of their finds beingness only astonishing. World Health Organization notices overeat like this?

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The answer naturally is: geniuses. I appreciate textures but these peoples' ability to spot how breed images give birth been Ra-purposed and used in decades-former games is simply remarkable. Now if you'll apologize me, I'm off to gaze at the walls.

Rich Stanton

Rich is a games journalist with 15 years' experience, beginning his calling on Edge mag before working for a wide range of outlets, including Ars Technica, Eurogamer, GamesRadar+, Gamespot, the Tutelar, IGN, the Newfangled Statesman, Polygon, and Vice. He was the editor of Kotaku UK, the UK weapon of Kotaku, for three years before joining PC Gamer. He is the author of a Short Account of Video Games, a full history of the moderate, which the Midwest Book Revue described as "[a] must-read for serious minded game historians and rum computer game connoisseurs alike."


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